Cooperative Language Learning
published a year ago , last modified 22 days ago

Language Learning Tandem

Language Tandem is a form of autonomous, independent learning that enables you to expand your existing foreign language skills. In this format, you work together with a native speaker of the foreign language you want to learn. For more information, click the following links about registration1, the process of your Tandem work, as well as support services2 and answers to FAQ3

Are you also interested in the digital eTandem?

You can also expand your language skills in English, French, Italian and Spanish online as part of the eTandem program alongside another student from one of our partner universities. 

Information sessions

You can find information about information sessions and access data in the events section of the SLZ website.

The Tandem program

The Tandem program offers students the opportunity to expand their existing foreign language skills in authentic exchanges with native speakers. Tandem partners meet regularly for joint activities and support each other in learning their desired foreign language. If supply and demand allows it, any language combination should be possible in the SLZ Tandem program. Tandem partnerships can be accredited as part of the Certificate for Intercultural Competence6

The SLZ hosts regular information sessions where you can find out information about learning a foreign language in the tandem format, and where you can voice any questions you may have about the program. To find the dates, please visit the event information page7 on the SLZ website. You can also contact us via email, or schedule a tandem consultation8.

Werbevideo Tandem

Eine Wissenschaftlerin und ein Wissenschaftler arbeiten hinter einer Glasfassade und mischen Chemikalien mit Großgeräten.
© Colourbox

Registration and Finding a Tandem Partner

To enroll in the Tandem program, please fill out the registration form below. Afterwards, please send the completed and signed form to sprachtandem@slz.uni-bonn.de via email.

Requirements for participation in the Tandem program in Bonn: 

  • You must be currently enrolled at a university or be a participant at the Goethe-Institut-Bonn.
  • You must speak the desired foreign language at an A2-level or above (according to the CEFR).

Please fill out the registration form digitally (rather than by hand). 

Should you have any trouble filling out the PDF on your computer, you can find possible causes and solutions in the FAQs3.

Once we have received your registration form, you will be added to the Tandem database, which will assign you a suitable Tandem partner as quickly as possible. Once you have been matched, we will forward you your partner’s email address, which you can use to contact him or her. 

After successfully registering for the program, you will be added to our eCampus course. There, you will find important information on getting started with Tandem, as well as suggestions and helpful materials to make the most of the program.

Accompanying Tandem Support

To ensure that your work with Tandem is successful, the SLZ Tandem team offers a wide range of resources and support services: our Tandem consultations, workshops and specialized learning materials help participants design and make the most of the Tandem program. 

© Christin Hume / Unsplash

Tandem consultations

The Language Learning Center offers Tandem consultations. As a student enrolled in the tandem program, you can visit our consultations either by yourself or with your learning partner. To find out more about what the consultations include, please read the information below:

Who are Tandem consultations designed for?

Our consultations are designed for all students actively participating in the tandem program, or who are interested in participating in the future. You can either come to our consultations by yourself or with your learning partner.

What do we discuss during the consultation?

Our consultations are a great place for you to address any questions, concerns or suggestions you may have about the Tandem program. In addition to answering any questions, we can also give you targeted advice and support in the following areas: 

  • Setting realistic learning goals
  • Identifying resources and using them optimally
  • Designing feasible learning plans
  • Evaluating your learning process 

You can find more information about the contents of our tandem support programs below2.

When do Tandem consultations take place?

Tandem consultations are scheduled according to your availability. To make an appointment, or if you would like to ask a question, please contact the following email address: sprachtandem@slz.uni-bonn.de

The benefits of tandem consultations and support

Setting realistic learning goals

Setting realistic learning goals isn’t as easy as it seems. Too often, we bite off more than we can chew, or start endeavors without concrete goals in mind because we think things will “work out on their own”. But that isn’t the case. To make the most progress, we need to establish realistic, yet challenging goals. 

During our tandem consultation, we can help you formulate learning goals that will maximize the benefits from the Tandem program. Not only do these objectives serve as helpful guidelines, research has proven that concrete goals also increase motivation.

Identifying resources and using them optimally

Some language learning resources like dictionaries or the internet are readily available and widely used, but the reality is that it can be very difficult to determine who or what will help you the most while learning a language. That’s what we’re here for. Together, we can find out which resources will suit your needs, and how you can make the most of them. 

Designing feasible learning plans

Do you ever have those days where, no matter how long you sit at your desk, you simply don’t feel productive? Often, inefficient study sessions are simply the result of inadequate planning. 

To maximize your Tandem work, it is very beneficial to map out when you want to start and finish. Together, we can help you set interim goals and design a learning plan that works with your busy schedule. 

Evaluating your learning process

If you set clear goals, identify helpful resources, and design a feasible learning plan, you have already won half the battle. Sometimes, however, difficulties only occur in the middle of a project. 

To ensure that your progress is not derailed, we can offer you support in evaluating your Tandem work and ensuring that your learning project runs smoothly. Together, we can identify which aspects of your work are going well and which areas could be improved.


Um Sie bei der Gestaltung Ihrer gemeinsamen Tandem-Arbeit und in Ihrem individuellen Sprachlernprozess zu unterstützen, bieten wir Workshops zum kooperativen Fremdsprachenlernen im Tandem an.

Die Tandem-Workshops richten sich an alle Studierenden der Universität Bonn, die aktuell im Sprachtandem lernen oder dies in Zukunft vorhaben. Sie können allein oder gemeinsam mit Ihrer Tandem-Partnerin bzw. Ihrem Tandem-Partner teilnehmen.

Die Workshops finden derzeit ausschließlich digital (über Zoom) statt.

Alle aktuellen Termine finden Sie unter den Veranstaltungshinweisen12 auf der Startseite der Abteilung IKM mit SLZ.

Tandem-workshop- brooke-cagle-unsplash.jpg
© Brooke Cagle / Unsplash
© David Iskander / Unsplash


To set students up for success, the SLZ provides a wide range of resources that can aid the tandem work. Students enrolled at the University of Bonn can access these resources via the Language Learning Center’s eCampus Tandem course

There, you will find the following resources: 

  • The Tandem Information Brochure contains a concise overview of the most important information regarding the Tandem program and working with your Tandem partner. Among other things, you will find tips on how to select suitable material and design the content of your meetings.
  • Additionally, the course contains a list of website links providing useful materials for learning in Tandem, such as worksheets, conversation prompts and more.
  • If you would like guidelines for structuring your Tandem meeting notes, you can take a look at our Tandem Documentation Sheet. This outline can help you and your Tandem partner during your meetings. It is a flexible guide and you can adapt it to your needs.
  • Lastly, the course contains a Tandem logbook which can be used as a learning diary for the entire learning process. Here, you will find tips on designing your Tandem work and prompts for reflection and evaluation.

FAQs about Tandem

In principle, all students enrolled at the University of Bonn with a Uni-ID and students from other German universities can participate in the program. Students at the Bonn Goethe Institute can also register.

The Uni-ID is a combination of numbers and letters that enables students to log in to BASIS and other university services (e.g. s5xxxxxx). You can find more information on the University IT website13.

If you would like to participate in the Tandem program, please fill out the following registration form in English14 or German15. Once you have completed the registration, please send it to sprachtandem@slz.uni-bonn.de via email.

You can register at any time.

Your registration for the Tandem program will be valid for one year. After that time period has elapsed, your data will be deleted from our systems. If you would still like to participate in the program afterwards, you will have to fill out a new registration form.

Following an individualized matching process, we will pair you with a suitable Tandem partner as quickly as possible. Afterwards, we will reach out to you with the contact details of your Tandem partner, so that you can arrange your first meeting and get to know each other.

We recommend discussing important organizational questions with your Tandem partner during the first session. You can meet whenever, wherever and for however long you want. 

In our experience, most Tandem groups benefit from arranging fixed and regular meetings. If you integrate Tandem meetings into your weekly schedule, there is less likelihood of missing a session. 

When choosing a location for your meetings, remember that you may need to select a quiet area in which you can concentrate on the language. However, depending on your goals, you may also opt for venues that enable you to practice speaking the language in more public settings (such as cafes, restaurants, museums, cinemas, discussion groups, etc.)

One of the founding principles of the Tandem program is that both members should profit equally from the partnership. As a result, you should always agree in advance on when and for how long you speak each of the two languages. 

The following guidelines can help you structure your sessions. 

The person primarily in the role of foreign language learner should…

  • decide what you do during the meeting, since they know best what methods help them learn,
  • prepare in advance and be prepared to speak,
  • and inform the other member when they need help. 

The person primarily speaking their native language should… 

  • accommodate the wishes of their Tandem partner,
  • adapt to the situation,
  • help and correct their Tandem partner, 
  • and have expertise in their own native language.

You can find further information and tips in the Tandem Information Brochure.

The first place you should look for conversation topics is eCampus. The list of website links contains a wide range of freely accessible online materials you can use during your meetings. Furthermore, you can find additional ideas for conversation topics in the Tandem Information Brochure. Lastly, the IKM’s multimedia library16 offers many teaching materials across numerous languages.

If you want to document your learning progress, the Tandem logbook can serve as an excellent guideline. Furthermore, our Tandem documentation sheets serve as ideal aids to keep written records of your individual Tandem sessions. You can find all the relevant materials on eCampus.

During the Tandem consultations, you will be supported in… 

  • setting realistic learning goals,
  • identifying resources and finding ways to implement them in your learning process,
  • outlining your learning process, 
  • and evaluating your learning progress.

Contact us

For questions about the Tandem program

Digital consultations via zoom

(Individual appointments schedules via email)

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