Continuing Education Program
German as a Second Language

Continuing Education Program German as a Second Language 

Over the following pages you will find information about our two continuing education programs WBS and PIB. While both study programs enable students in the German as a second language (DaZ) program to improve their language skills on a part-time basis, they differ in their objectives, target group, and scope.

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Continuing Education Program DaZ Bonn (WBS) — 30 ECTS 

The continuing education program DaZ Bonn (WBS) offers university graduates the opportunity to further develop their knowledge in the field of German as a second language. This course is designed to prepare students for teaching positions in schools and adult education institutions. 

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Perspective Integration – Language in Professional Environments (PIB) — 6 ECTS 

The PIB program prepares teachers and training supervisors to design language-sensitive educational and professional development courses for newly arrived immigrants and refugees. 

Why is language-sensitive teaching and learning so important? 

One of our most important socio-political tasks is to integrate newly arrived children, adolescents and adults who emigrated or fled from their home countries. In order for them to flourish in school, internships and jobs, it is imperative for them to have a firm linguistic foundation. It is for this reason that the educational arena of German as a second language is becoming a cornerstone of our educational systems. As time continues, the demand for qualified specialists who can teach, consult or train German as a second language in a language-sensitive manner will only increase. Our course offerings aren’t just attractive on paper, they’re vitally important for the success of our diversifying society. 


WBS Coordination

If you have any questions about the Weiterbildungsstudium, please contact us by phone or email.


+49 228 73 54 120


Räume 2.002 / 2.005 (2. Etage)
Lennéstraße 6
53113 Bonn

PIB Coordination

If you have any questions about the Perspective Integration – Language in Professional Environments program, please contact us by phone or email.


+49 228 73 54 124


Räume 2.002 / 2.003 (2. Etage)
Lennéstraße 6
53113 Bonn

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