Department IKM with SLZ
published 3 years ago , last modified 4 months ago

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Department of Intercultural Communication and Multilingualism Research with Language Learning Center 

The Department of Intercultural Communication and Multilingualism Research with Language Learning Center (IKM with SLZ) has been an integral part of the Institute of Language, Media Studies, and Musicology since 2010. Boasting a wide range of offers, the IKM specializes in conducting research and developing theory in the areas of language learning, multilingualism and intercultural communication, as well as teaching German as a foreign or second language. Please explore our website to find out more information about our department’s many projects, our academic and continuing education programs, and our language courses. 

Academic Programs 

Our undergraduate programs, Language and Communication in the Globalized Media Society (SKGM) and German as a Second and Foreign Language (DaF/DaZ), prepare students for our ever-expanding and culturally diverse world. 

Language Learning Center 

Find out more about the SLZ’s offers: language modules, independent learning, Tandem/eTandem, UNIcert and professional development. 

Continuing Education Program German as a Second Language

Ready to take your studies one step further? Discover our continuing education programs German as a Second Language and Perspective Integration — Language in Professional Environments.

Research & Projects

Stay up to date on the department’s innovative research, as well as ongoing and past projects.


Library / Multimedia Library

Our expansive libraries offer a wide range of literature and media about intercultural communication, multilingualism research, and foreign languages.

Current News

Forum Beruf für Medienwissenschaften & SKGM8
Lennéstr. 6
06:15 PM - 07:45 PM
Das Alumni-Netzwerk lädt ein zu Forum Beruf Medienwissenschaft & SKGM - Studierende fragen und Alumni antworten. Referentinnen: Lea von den Driesch, ...
08:00 PM
Du hast Lust auf Tanzen und suchst nach einer inklusiven Tanzgruppe? Dann ist unser Rollstuhltanzkurs genau das Richtige für dich! Egal ob Jazz-Dance, Modern ...


Department Office (not including language course management) 

Not occupied until further notice! Please contact the responsible contact person directly.


Phone number: +49 228 73 7248

Telefax: +49 228 73 995678



4th floor, room 4.011
Lennéstr. 6
53113 Bonn

If you have any questions about study opportunities or language modules at the Language Learning Center, please contact the responsible contact person. 

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