About the SLZ
The Language Learning Center (SLZ) provides high quality foreign language classes and is a pioneer in researching new methods of language learning and teaching: In addition to offering first-rate language learning programs to students at the University of Bonn, the SLZ focuses on further developing foreign language didactics.
The SLZ’s area of responsibility
As a key branch of the Department of Intercultural Communication and Multilingualism Research at the Institute of Language, Media Studies and Musicology, as well as a academic institution within the Faculty of Arts, the SLZ is responsible for interdisciplinary foreign language teaching at the University of Bonn.
Students at the University of Bonn can register for a wide range of foreign language courses offered in a blended learning format. The courses, which meet the requirements of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR, for further information, visit the website of the Goethe-Institute), are supplemented by a plethora of opportunities for supervised autonomous learning.

Team and responsibilities
Our SLZ family keeps the University’s language course offerings running, while also actively working to further develop and improve our language learning and teaching opportunities.
Working at the SLZ
You can find current job offers and teaching positions available at the SLZ on the Institute for Language, Media Studies and Musicology’s website.
If you are applying for a teaching position not listed on the website (i.e. sending a speculative application), please send it directly to Dr. Isabell Mandt.

The SLZ's teaching concept
The SLZ’s foreign language classes are based on research-based teaching principles, as well as a crosslinguistic curriculum. Our teaching concepts reflect the current state of research into language teaching and learning, foreign language didactics, and interculturality.
The primary goal of the SLZ is to highlight the importance of multilingualism in university and professional environments. In order to support this key skill, the SLZ offers students and faculty members at the University of Bonn interdisciplinary language modules in 16 modern foreign languages. These modules enable our students and faculty members to develop a multilingual profile of their own, and thrive in our ever-growing and diverse society.
The SLZ employs competency and action based learning in its foreign language classes. This approach is designed for motivated and structured students, and the modules have a steep progression.
All language modules at the SLZ are instructed in a blended learning format. This approach intertwines in-person and online classes. A typical language module comprises 5 course units a week; 4 of which are in-person, while 1 is an eLearning unit accessible on the eCampus learning platform. Additionally, the modules contain independent learning activities.
You can find more information about the SLZ’s teaching concept under the following link.
Our diverse range of teaching and learning methods
Here at the SLZ, students encounter a wide range of teaching and learning methods: in-person classes, blended learning approaches, and supervised independent learning formats. In offering such a wide range of learning formats, our goal is to accommodate our students’ diverse interests, learning goals, as well as academic and personal needs.
The materials we use reflect our diverse teaching and learning methods. Thanks to the SLZ’s departmental expertise, our teaching and learning materials are continually evaluated, updated and further developed. This process ensures that, even in our dynamic and ever-evolving world, our language courses are always up-to-date, authentic and university-specific.
To this end, the SLZ creates its own teaching and learning materials. In German as a foreign language (DaF), English C1.1 and C1.2, and French, the SLZ is a pioneer in developing learning materials as current textbooks do not fully cover the specific content of the SLZ language modules.
To accommodate students’ work and personal situations, the SLZ periodically develops new module concepts and explores new teaching/learning formats in piloted project initiatives. These measures enhance student flexibility in terms of time and space. One of the most popular concepts is the SLZ’s accompanied autonomous foreign language learning program, which was developed as part of the third-party funded project “Accompanied Autonomous Foreign Language Learning”. In this format, students study independently in both digital and analog environments. These efforts are accompanied by tutored lessons which include workshops about time management, practical language exercises, as well as tandem offers in digital and traditional forms.
As part of the department’s internal research efforts, the expectations and needs of participants are collected over the course of each module. In a second step, the modules are examined to ensure that they meet student needs, and if necessary, the modules are adjusted accordingly.

University of Bonn Language Policy
In keeping with its image as an internationally oriented research university, the University of Bonn views institutional and individual multilingualism, as well as cultural diversity, as valuable resources (§1 preamble, Language Policy Guidelines of the University of Bonn).
Committed to upholding the University’s language policies, the SLZ promotes students’ individual multilingual profiles and strengthens the value of linguistic and cultural diversity in university contexts. To find the university’s complete language policy, please download the guidelines below.
Quality assurance in teaching
One of the most important factors in maintaining the high quality of SLZ teaching and student learning success, is employing highly qualified and experienced lecturers. For this reason, continuing education programs and professional development opportunities are important aspects of our quality assurance.
Lecturers who are new at the SLZ are introduced to the cross-language curriculum, receive theoretical and practical training about the SLZ’s teaching principles, and are shown how to implement our blended learning formats and prepare our module final examinations. Moreover, lecturers have access to technical training, eCampus training, as well as professional development programs centered around teaching methods, principles, exam preparation and assessment, the use of digital media, and important topics in foreign language didactics. In order to optimize teacher support, the SLZ conducts an annual, anonymous survey in which it assesses the needs of lecturers. In addition to discussing the lecturers’ feedback, the SLZ hosts regular general meetings in which it discusses innovations in organizational structure, team composition, team responsibilities, and developments in project-related initiatives. Lastly, regular classroom visits are conducted to serve as an additional feedback instrument.
In addition to these measures, students have the opportunity to systematically evaluate the SLZ’s language modules (based on §7 pgf. 2-4 of the NRW Higher Education Act; Evaluation Regulations of the University of Bonn in currently valid version). This survey serves as the basis for dialogue between students and SLZ faculty members about how to improve and develop teaching at the SLZ.
Orientation, transparency and standardization
All language courses offered at the SLZ meet nationally and internationally recognized standards and guidelines regarding module structure, placement, learning objectives and student performance assessment.
In accordance with the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages of the Council of Europe (CEFR 2001/2018), the SLZ’s language modules conform to a language system recognized across Europe. This ensures that there are consistent and comparable learning objectives, content, and final module examinations for everyone involved — teachers, students and third parties. Students can view those standards in the module descriptions.
One of the key prerequisites for the success of the language modules is that students take a placement test prior to the beginning of the course. This enables the SLZ team to evaluate their language proficiency, and form homogenous learning groups who have similar language levels and can progress together.
Language levels are assessed using C-tests, a scientifically recognized means of determining language proficiency. C-tests follow an integrative written test format which, unlike many other placement tests, are not based on specific textbooks, but measure general language level based on the principle of reduced redundancy. In recent years, the SLZ has developed, tested and validated its own C-tests for the majority of the language modules it offers.
Furthermore, the SLZ is certified by UNIcert, a cross-university development and certification system of the Association of Language Centers at Universities (AKS). One of the benefits of the UNIcert program is that it offers a level of development, which is comparable across university boundaries, and thus offers students a widely recognized certification of their language skills. Additionally, the UNIcert program places a didactic emphasis on university-specific topics, communicative competence and learner autonomy.
Coordination Language Learning Center
Dr. Isabell Mandt
Lennéstraße 6
53113 Bonn
Vera Mölders
Lennéstr. 6
53113 Bonn