Contact Form

Are your questions unanswered despite consulting the information we have provided about the registration process, and the answers in the FAQ section? If so, you can use this form to contact staff members at the Language Learning Center. The more precise your request is, the better we will be able to assist you. This form will be automatically forwarded to the staff members responsible for the respective area. 

Please choose your status group.
This information is mandatory for students.
Please indicate your institute, institution or degree program.
Please enter your Uni-Bonn email address.
In case you would like to send us a document (possible formats are PDF, DOC, JPG, PNG), maximum 2 MB.
Please fill out this field using the example format provided in the placeholder.
The phone number will be handled in accordance with GDPR.

In using this form, you agree that your personal data will be stored and processed. You hereby confirm that you are over 16 years old or that your legal guardian has given consent to the information listed on this form. You certify that you are aware of your right to withdraw your agreement.

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