Helpful Tips for your Studies
published 2023/07/06 13:29:20 GMT+1 , last modified 2024-11-29T12:22:20+01:00

Information for Current Students

Here you can find answers to some of the frequently asked questions we receive from current students about their classes and exams, as well as some helpful tips to help you master your studies. 

Eine Wissenschaftlerin und ein Wissenschaftler arbeiten hinter einer Glasfassade und mischen Chemikalien mit Großgeräten.

Degree Organization with BASIS1

BASIS2 is an acronym that stands for “Bonner Aktuelles Studien Informations System”, or “Bonn’s Academic Program Information System”. This online portal simplifies the organization of your studies. For example, it enables you to browse through course catalogs, as well as register for classes and exams. 

You can find more information about the system in general, as well as course and exam registration on the website of the Faculty of Arts’ Examination Office3. If you have any other questions, many of your fellow students probably did as well, and we encourage you to visit the University IT’s FAQ-list4 where you will likely find an answer. 

Should neither of these resources adequately respond to the specific questions you may have encountered with BASIS, please contact BASIS support5 for technical problems or the degree program coordinator for questions about modules and registration.

Term Papers

In both the bachelor’s and master’s degree programs, written term papers are an essential component of each module’s final examination. Term papers demonstrate your proficiency with the module’s subject matter, highlight your independent research and writing skills, and illustrate your command of the scientific methods used to analyze the topic. Please consult the IKM-guide “Notes on the written preparation of term papers,” which covers the formal requirements for writing term papers in the two degree programs DaZ/DaF and SKGM and elucidates central techniques used in academic work. For questions about registration and examination laws for final examinations, please be sure to read the relevant guide provided by the Examination Office of the Faculty of Arts. You can also view an internal, graphic representation of the overall process and the individual organizational steps for term papers below. 



The internship module M7 “The Practice of Teaching” is a mandatory component of the bachelor’s degree program German as a Second and Foreign Language and enables students to gain practical teaching experience. 

Module M7 consists of an introduction followed by the internship. Given that many students choose to conduct the internship as a full-time, 25-hour a week position, they complete it over the course of six weeks at language teaching institutions during semester breaks. However, completing the internship following that schedule is not strictly necessary. 

In total, students must shadow at least 90 hours of lessons, and should not attend fewer than 12 lessons a week. Though the module is neither graded nor culminates in an exam, there are certain requirements students must fulfill to receive the full 12 credits. These are awarded for submitting a) the internship certificate and b) a complete portfolio following guidelines provided. 

The Department of Intercultural Communication and Multilingualism Research with SLZ is happy to offer students assistance as they search for internships. Through its internship network, the department has both domestic as well as foreign internship partners, giving students a wide variety of opportunities to choose from. Regardless of where students complete their internship, they must do so according to the conditions outlined in the internship guide. 

To find internship opportunities at the institute level, please visit our “Jobs & Internship” webpage. If you have further questions about choosing an internship, how to organize the internship amidst your studies or about completing your internship abroad, please contact the internship coordinator, Dr. Paul Meyermann12.


The internship module M9 “External Internship” is a mandatory component of the bachelor’s degree program Language and Communication in the Globalized Media Society and enables students to apply their knowledge to situations outside of a university context and explore potential professional fields. 

Module M9 consists of an introduction followed by the actual internship, which students typically complete during semester breaks as a full-time internship of at least four weeks. 

The module is neither graded nor culminates in an exam. To receive the full 6 credits, students must submit a) the internship certificate and b) a complete portfolio following guidelines provided. 

The Department of Intercultural Communication and Multilingualism Research with SLZ is happy to offer students assistance as they search for internships. Through its internship network, the department has both domestic as well as foreign internship partners, giving students a wide variety of opportunities to choose from. You can find more detailed information on the “External Internship” module in the internship guidelines. 

To find internship opportunities at the institute level, please visit our “Jobs & Internship” webpage. If you have further questions about choosing an internship, how to organize the internship amidst your studies or about completing your internship abroad, please contact the internship coordinator, Dr. Paul Meyermann12.

Bachelor's Thesis

Bachelor's Thesis in DaZ/DaF

All relevant information about the supervision, registration, completion, submission and evaluation of the bachelor’s thesis is compiled in the PDF “Notes on the Bachelor’s thesis in the course DaZ/DaF”. 

To prepare for your consultation with a potential supervisor at the department IKM, please consult the “Finding a Topic” form. 

Bachelor's Thesis in SKGM

To prepare for your consultation with a potential supervisor at the department IKM, please consult the “Finding a Topic” form. 

Further links to important documents provided by the Examination Office

Is something missing?

Don't hesitate to reach out to the program management18 with your suggestions.

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